Quote for the day

For most of us, America wasn't our first choice as much as it was
our last chance.

Varifrank. HT to James Rummel.


Red-headed stepson of RMBR

For your enjoyment, a sampler of some of the best weblogging the Front Range has to offer. Please pardon any typos I failed to catch: I'm typing with 8-month-old Toad in my lap.

As to be expected, election season figures prominently among the submissions by Rocky Mountain bloggers in this Roundup:

  • White Dog draws our attention to Bill Whittle's two-part essay on the value of rhetorical skill vice the message, with respect to the Presidential election. Shall one vote for style, or for substance, given that between the two major-party candidates one cannot have both? Choose well.

  • Dave disputes Josh Claybourn, arguing that the Republic is healthier when more people vote, rather than fewer, more-informed people vote.

  • RMBR founder Walter In Denver argues from experience that the validity of our elections is at greater risk from inaccuracy than from fraud.

  • BigSkyDave challenges the good Senator Kerry on who constitutes a threat to US security. Or world peace. Whatever.


  • The Speculist offers a meta-roundup, headquartered in the Front Range but collecting contributions from faraway corners of the Republic. Raptors, privately-operated space flight, wickedfast computers, improved popcorn, and cancer-sniffing dogs.

  • Jed at FreedomSight reminisces about the quintessential banned-able book. I got my copy. I don't need it---I have it merely to remind myself that I can have it.

  • Publicola fisks an essay defending the Empire, even if it did make the trains run on time, long ago, in a galaxy far, far away.

  • Your host offers his proposal to deploy high-speed internet service everywhere. We'll have to destroy the internet to save it. Always a downside.

Stop the Presses! A late entrant petitions to be included. We are fair and evenhanded to a fault.

  • Bob at We The Free waxes Lettermanlike with Top Ten debating points. Though I dispute Bob's use of the term liberal . . .


I really don't deserve her

My wife lets me spend most of the day converting antelope into sausage or corned antelope, with the enthusiastic assistance of The Cabinet Man (thanks, TCM).

She and I discuss What Not To Wear as it would apply to her, in the abstract. She really is the kind of woman to whom I could say, "that makes you look fat," and live to not regret it.

Then I discover that she's a closet Farscape fan. I ask her to watch the library for Babylon 5 DVDs. She says "OK."

I am not worthy of her. I'll keep her just the same.